Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So let's give it another try.

I know how important it is to blog if you make your living creating handmade things, so I'll give this another whirl.

What do I want to accomplish from this blog?

1. To get my work out there for people to see and enjoy. This of course is a no brainer.

2. To make more friends in this wonderfully weird, passionate, serious and silly world of crafting.

3. To say what's on my mind.

2 and 3 will be the hardest for me. I really do fear putting myself out there. The phrase "It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" is something I live by. A blog is so the opposite of that! I'm going to have to accept that I'm gonna say something dumb at some point. I also have to accept that there will be some who will dislike it, and stop reading. However, there will be some that will know none of us are perfect, enjoy my writing all the more for it, and continue to read. And those are the people would like to reach out to.

So, that's what I want to accomplish, make friends, learn from them, perhaps teach a few, and speak up more.

Everyone have a wonderful night.

1 comment:

  1. I'm your first follower and I look forward to what you have to say! Just remember it's your blog and you get to say whatever you want!!! Good luck!

    Annette at So Many Memories
