Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday Shopping

So on the weekends, I've decided I will dedicate my blog to other shops, and the spectacular things they make. This week the subject will be terrariums! I adore them big, or small! My grandmother had a large one when I was little. She'd fill it with fake mushrooms, tiny figurines, little houses and colored marbles. It was magical to my young eyes. Here are a few that also spoke to me!

Couldn't you see this on a desk, giving someone that bit of green inside their gloomy cubicle? Perfect.

A tiny tree inside of an ornament, so sweet.

This can sit on your table, and remind you that the beach is closer than you think.

Isn't it darling? I just love it!

So it's true, good things come in small packages. I hope you go and take a peek at the wonderful things these shops have to offer. Some are brand new, some are veterans, but all create wonderful things for us to enjoy!

Have a great weekend everyone!