Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Shopping

Since the holidays are now officially over, I will resume my weekend shopping section. This week, I will focus on yet another craft that I cannot do. Quilting. I love looking at them, trying to figure out how they're pieced together. My brain hurts when I think of all the precise pieces that need to be cut, and the hours bent over a sewing machine. I have tried only  a few times to quilt, but I believe it's a craft for people who like order. A preson who's motto is "a place for everything and everything in it's place".  This unfortunately is not me which why quilting is a struggle for me. 

So snuggle in, it's cold out there, and do some shopping.

I love this color in this, it looks so cozy.

Dream in Color Lap/Throw Quilt
Created By: Quiltville

The workmanship that went into this quilt is amazing.

Veggie Wall Hanging or Table Top Quilt
Handmade By: judiheindesign

Wouldn't this great on a sideboard for summer?

Extra Long Table Runner 
Handmade by: OriginalsbyLauren

Again the work put into quilts is staggering. This even makes me a little dizzy!

King Size Blue and Brown Weaver Fever
Created by: 4quiltsandmore

This looks just like stained glass! Gorgeous!
Rainbow Rose Mini Quilt

These artists do just brilliant work. All the time, and effort that goes into each stitch should be appreciated by everyone. 

I hope everyone had a lovely New Years!


  1. Great selection of quilts! Thanks for including my mini quilt.

    Your comment that quilting is a craft for people who like order is generally true. Without some measure of precision, the pieces do not come together well. However, if you saw my quilting studio during the creation of a quilt, you would not see a lot of order, but a chaos of fabrics!

  2. Traditional quilting does require precision and skill in cutting and joining the pieces. I'm a little like you, I guess, I don't like traditional quilting for myself. I love quilts, and have made a few, but my favorite thing is to just play with the fabrics until I like what I see. I use random shapes, maybe a scrap left from where I cut out something else, sometimes a small piece found lying on the floor that would otherwise be thrown away....making fabric postcards. This same method can be used to make large quilts or wall hangings as well. Thank you for sharing your love of quilting and appreciation for the labor that goes into making them.

  3. L♥ve all these quilted works of art.

  4. Wonderful quilts by wonderful artists!

  5. Thank you for including my Veggie Quilt in your blog. I guess I do attempt a bit of order in my life. Sometimes life has other plans so it is a good lesson of who is really in control.
    I'm thrilled to be in such good company!

  6. Thank you, I'm glad everyone enjoyed this post! My MIL has offered to give me a few lessons sometime, maybe I'll try again!
